TAV Gold Program – Also known as Scrip, is a way for parents to earn free money towards their TAV dues by simply replacing everyday spending with gift cards. If you buy groceries, gas, prescriptions, clothes, eat out, go to the movies, or do home improvements, you could earn anywhere from 1% to 20% for every dollar spent by paying with a gift card instead of a debit card. This is a HUGE on-line gift card mall (Tom Thumb, Macy’s, Chili’s, Home Depot, etc) with over 750+ merchants, where you earn FREE money towards your dues. Contact Julie Harmon at TAVGold@tavvolleyball.com with any questions or to schedule a time to discuss this program in more detail
Click here to sign up/get more info: Step-by-Step on how to sign up for TAV Gold (aka Scrip)